Wednesday, February 10, 2016

An attempt to write more

The last two years have given me ample time to read, read and read some more. Not having internet gave me a lot of free time and seeing as I'm not really into movies, reading seemed to take front stage. It was a lovely season of quiet, even though getting other things done like paying bills, communicating with others, etc, turned out to be a challenge.  Glad that's over! 

The last couple of years I have had a word come to mind as the New Year approached. It's been a good thing to dwell on that particular word and see how it helps me along. This year, I didn't get a specific word, rather a few resolutions. So traditional, I know. 

I want to drink more water. 
I want to work on having better posture. 
I want to write more. 

Priorities, people! We can't do it all. I know I can't, nor do I want to. Who wants the whole world on their shoulders. Not me! Let's leave that to the One who can truly handle it. 

But we can make the next best choice. Do the next best thing. And often times it seems like it's right there on the tip of your tongue, or welling up from your heart, or something that you can't stop thinking about. That's the thing you should pursue.  I hope we have all sorts of things we are growing in, but like I said before, some take front and center. Reading has been that for me the last few years as I have wanted to learn about more topics and found how joyful reading can be!

But this year, I want to write. I want to stretch myself in my writing as I have stretched myself in reading. Now I read a lot of light, fluffy books. Just look at my  pinterest page and you will see for yourself. But I try to have some books in there that are making me think, even if it's still *just a novel. ;) 

Writing, like reading, can be challenging, fun, a way to grow and learn, an expression of yourself. It can help get those thoughts out and organized which is why I feel the need to do it. I am a sometimes journaler. When I am pregnant or have just had a baby. When we have moved. When I have new ideas or just want to write down what we have done in school lately. But I am not consistent. I hope to be more consistent this year, and hopefully it will become a habit. 

So, here I am starting a new blog because apparently when you don't write on a blog for awhile it can get shut down? Not sure how that works, but I can't seem to get into the other blog. That's OK, I have new ideas that don't always revolve around photography, so it's a nice fresh start. 

My goals for writing:
Write more. 
Keep to my own voice.
Writing style.
Writing letters to loved ones.
Reading about writing. 
Just write. When I make mistakes, I can grow from them. If I don't write, I won't be making mistakes, but I won't be writing either. 

Here we go! 

Here's to more writing!

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