Monday, May 2, 2016


Today our Latin phrase was:

docendo disco scribendo cognito.

It means, I learn by teaching, think by writing. 

We talked about how we must really know and understand something to be able to teach it to others. Also, how writing can help us get our thoughts and ideas out and properly organized. How writing can actually help us think. 

I had the kids each teach the rest of us how to do something. 

G showed us how to wrap a present. 
Z taught us how to connect the Wii to the T.V.
A's presentation was on how to make a fruit platter. 

It was fun to see what they chose to teach! 
It was good for me to keep my mouth closed and let them do the talking! 

They each did a great job keeping the right sequence of events. They "did" while they taught so it was probably easier than if they were just thinking through the steps. They spoke clearly, made precise movements and rarely looked anyone in the eye! ;) 

They were each very enthusiastic in wanting to share their presentation. I think there is something in all of us that desires to share and talk about something we know and it's important to be able to get the opportunity to do so. It's also important to be able to share exact words you are thinking. I know I have struggled with finding the right words my whole life! I want to challenge my children to speak clearly and use the right words, taking the time to think about what it is they are trying to communicate with others. Words matter. 
Last year I read a book about C.S. Lewis and found it fantastic that his tutor didn't let him get away with shoddy thoughts spoken wrongly. His tutor would challenge him until Lewis got it right and spoke clearly. I know C.S Lewis was blessed with an amazing mind but look also at what great teaching and an attention to detail produced in him! 

As a homeschooling family we don't have a lot of audience, but I will continue to do more exercises like this one and find ways for them to speak in public, also. 

In the mean time we will continue to teach each other and think by writing. 

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